When you read self help books you will find a lot about finding your passion, following your bliss, being in flow and creating new things easily.
If this is your experience and that is wonderful.
However this is very often not the case, especially for sensitives. Taking action on our creative ideas can bring up lots of fears and resistance. It strikes at the very core of who we are.
Very often the more important a creative act is to us the more courage it takes to overcome our internal resistance and desire to procrastinate.
If you're not finding it as easy as it appears in the books, please do not worry. It is completely natural and part of the creative process.
The more we take action despite this internal resistance the greater our reward psychologically and spiritually, while bringing our ideas into creation.
The whole Self Health Bridge site will help you overcome your fears and procrastination but if you are interested in learning more about resistance I highly recommend you read an absolutely incredible book...
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.