or to be more precise saying yes when it would be better to say no.
This can be a real problem for sensitive people.
Do you often do things because you think you’ll be letting someone down if you don’t?
Do you put other people’s needs before your own?
Do you have a tendency to want to please other people?
Do you feel selfish if you say no?
Do you feel the need to always have to help people even if it is having a negative effect on yourself?
So why do sensitive people say yes when it would be better to say no?
They are caring by nature and also have a strong desire to help people so their automatic instinct is to say yes to others.
Being caring is a great trait. However it is really important that sensitives make sure they are giving to themselves so that they have enough energy to be able to give to others without becoming emotionally drained.
When we feel good about ourselves it is much easier to be able to say yes and no to others but it still needs attention.
Problems often arise when we don’t feel good enough about ourselves.
We tend to…
put other people’s needs before our own
have a tendency to want to please other people
do things because we think we’ll be letting someone down if we don’t
feel selfish if we say no
feel the need to always have to help people
It’s really important that we feel good enough and that we care for ourselves so that we have enough energy an emotional well-being to be able to help others.